New patients welcome!
New patients welcome!
General fees charged - amount reimbursed by individual insurance plans varies.
Screening lab review, recommendations for preventative health testing, etc.
Low complexity visit for 1 problem - Typically 20 minutes or less
Moderate complexity visit 2-4 problems typically 30-45 minutes
Complex medical decision making - as long as it takes
Problems that do not require in person physical examination (ie follow up of therapy, medication review, abnormal test results)
Fees may be adjusted yearly based on inflation and cost increases
We are in network for most major commercial medical insurers in our area except BCBS. As of January 1st, 2024 our practice will no longer contract with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Existing patients may continue to bill directly at the NON-PARTICIPATING provider rate. new patients who have BCBS will be charged our full fee and can submit their bill to their insurer but will be responsible for the full charge. If you are interested in finding out if we are contracting with your specific plan you can call your insurance provider and ask them. We are in network for some but not all Medicare advantage plans. We do not accept Medicaid, Caresource, Molina, or Buckeye plans.